Is Grass-Fed Beef All the Same?
Many farms and ranches claim to have “grass fed cows.” That’s correct. Almost all cattle eat grass. However, most cows are finished on grain because it fattens them quickly and produces the heavier, marbled type of beef most Americans are accustomed to. Therein lies the problem.
Health Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef
Cows do not naturally eat grain—in fact, it makes them ill. When animals are fattened on a heavy-starch grain diet, the normally healthy pH 7 in their systems drops to a highly acidic pH 4, leading to a fermentation bacteria that sickens the animal and requires antibiotics. Additionally, to speed up the fattening process, cattle are administered hormones. This further degrades the animal’s health.
However, truly natural grass- fed beef means the cattle are fed entirely on their mother’s milk and grass from birth to harvest. These cows have a normal pH 7 balance in their system, which contributes to a healthy fat balance of omega-3s, omega-6s, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). In short, if the cow is healthier, its meat is healthier, and you’ll be healthier.
Our Pasture Prime Wagyu cows are 100% grass fed.
To read more about the health benefits of 100% grass-fed (not grain finished) beef, visit our links page.
What Does a Healthy Wagyu Cow Have to do with E. coli, Cancer, and Vitamins?
Pure grass- fed cows have a stronger stomach because their pH balance is a healthy pH 7. This means the animal can fight off offending microbes, such as E. coli. Additionally, when the cattle are raised entirely on pasture, they’re not exposed to the diseases and microbes that are found in feedlots.
Pasture-fed meats, such as those you can buy from Pasture Prime, have higher levels of beta carotene (vitamin A), CLA, and omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that people who eat foods containing these essential vitamins and fats have a reduced risk of cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, and high-blood pressure.
Vitamins A and E
Grass-fed meat from cattle not finished on grain contains double the amount of vitamin A and three times the amount of vitamin E.
Omega- 3s and Omega-6s
An additional health benefit of grass- fed beef is the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids it contains, in comparison to grain-finished beef. Meat from grass-fed animals contains two to four times more omega-3s. Diets high in omega-3s have been shown to help lessen the risk of heart attacks, lower blood pressure, and help with vital brain functioning.
Grass Fed Cows Have the Same Amount of Fat as Skinless Chicken. And Grass-Fed Beef is Lower in Calories.
Worried about your LDL cholesterol levels? Eat grass fed meat! Meat from cows raised entirely on grass helps lower LDL cholesterol level with the added bonus of lower calories. In fact, a 6-ounce steak from a 100% grass- fed animal has approximately 100 fewer calories than a grain-finished animal.

Data from J. Animal Sci 80(5):1202-11.

Data from: J Animal Sci (1993) 71(8):2079-88.
For More detailed information on Grass Fed Health Benefits, visit EatWild