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We are excited to announce the first of many Pasture Prime Farm Give-Aways!!

You have told us that you are always anxious to have new, creative and “easy to prepare” cooking inspirations.

In our recent blogs we have given you three “crash courses” in how to best cook our sustainably produced, wholesome meats.

Now we want to expand and improve your culinary experience with one of our favorite tools – THE CAST IRON SKILLET!


In our last post we discussed all the reasons these pans are the favorite of chefs everywhere.

  • best in the industry for holding heat
  • non stick
  • oven proof
  • durable and indestructible  (where normal non sticks can be ruined by extreme high heat )
  • easy to clean and maintain
  • can be used on your grill or camp fire.

Those of you who have already experienced the many advantages of using this cookware don’t need to be convinced that it can’t be beat.

Lodge is our favorite brand and the ONLY cast iron cookware produced in the USA and they have a wonderful history dating back to 1896.  Although our Pasture Prime Family Farm enterprise doesn’t go back THAT far, we do have similar philosophies.  We are both committed to producing top quality products, treating our employees like family, and working hard to treat our environments with respect for future generations.  They have certainly raised the bar on quality.

You can also view a very short and excellent video on the ease of maintaining your “winning skillet!”

This is a tool we don’t want you to be without.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cast Iron Cooking

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The old saying, “Everything old is New again”…never was more appropriate than in the case of a Cast Iron Skillet.

Your grandmother probably had one and hopefully she passed it on to your Mom. However, if you were never the lucky recipient of such a favored family heirloom, now is the time to get on board.

Chefs everywhere are touting its abilities for ALL types of cooking.  More types than you may have been aware. This nonstick, oven proof, almost indestructible pan should be a favorite in your kitchen.  There is simply no other pan that retains the heat so well.

PERFORMANCE; cast iron doesn’t conduct heat too well,  therefore it is slow to heat up and cool down, but when it’s hot…it’s hot!!! This is a pan that is a top choice for multiple uses:

  • SEARING – creating steaks and chops with a thick browned crust and juicy interior
  • BRAISING –  gently simmer lamb shanks at a constant low temperature to develop the most tender result
  • FRYING – this is how “grandma” did her fabulous fried chicken
  • BAKING – this is the one that probably surprises you, but the ultimate best cornbread comes from cast iron.

SEASONING –  Creates a nonstick surface that builds up with use.  Most modern pans come pre-seasoned from the factory,  however, even pre-seasoned pans improve with use.

CARE -It is all about keeping the seasoning intact.  There are 3 basic steps:

  1. Washing – don’t use detergents, merely wash out with hot water & sponge or nylon bristle brush – never a scouring pad or never, never the dishwasher.  If food sticks a soak in hot water will do the trick.
  2. Drying – complete drying is essential to keep from rusting.  Wipe thoroughly with paper or cloth towel, or put on low burner or in warm oven.
  3. Coating with Oil – While pan is still warm and before storing, wipe with a light coating of oil

For a great visual on Caring for your Skilletcheck out this quick & clever video from Lodge.

For more Cooking School Tips be sure to see our Blogs on Brining and Pan-Roasting

Watch for our Contest to win one for your kitchen!


Spring Chicken Bargain 4 for $72

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These really are “SPRING CHICKENS.”   Fresh, without all those additives that you find at the grocery!  Treat your family to several tasty & healthful meals. These are all over 4# each.

Pan Roasting – Cooking School Secrets

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Did you ever wonder what goes on behind closed doors at those high priced culinary schools?  What are those folks with the tall white hats (“toques” for the layman) up to?

You might be surprised to know that before the students sharpen their first knife, they are instructed  how to pan roast.  It is definitely the most effective and mouth watering method for cooking your piece of sustainably and humanely raised Pasture Prime protein.  There are very simply 4 steps to achieving optimum flavor and texture in your chops & steaks.  The first requirement is an oven-proof pan.  We will tell you about our favorite in our next blog.

  1. SEAR – Pre-heat your pan before adding in your meat.  A hot and fast browning on the top of the stove helps in the creation of that flavor filled, crusty exterior. Don’t move in pan until it has browned nicely 2-3minutes.  Be sure not to crowd your pan, as this will hamper the hot fast sear you are aiming for.
  2. FLIP/TURN – As soon as the first side is browned, sear the second side, about 2-3 minutes on this side.  Each stove-top temperature will vary.
  3. ROAST – in preheated oven 425-450, move the pan to the oven where your protein will complete its cooking, evenly, without over-browning or drying out.  Be sure to check the temperature with an instant read thermometer to 125-135 degrees depending on your protein beef or pork.  Remember, meat will continue to cook an additional 5-10 degrees during basting & resting.
  4. BASTING – While we hate to “bust” the famous chefs secret for that extra flavor you always seem to get at a fancy restaurant, but here is the inside story.  When your meat is cooked through, this is the final step.

a. Handle the hot pan CAREFULLY with heat proof gloves when removing from the oven

b. Drain excess fat from pan and add 1-2 TBSP butter to the hot pan along with any aromatics you choose; garlic and fresh thyme are favorites

c. when better melts & begins to foam, tilt pan to allow butter to pool & spoon carefully over your protein to carry flavor and heat into every “nook & cranny.” Stop basting before butter gets overly brown.


FINAL TIP; when choosing your cuts for Pan Roasting, keep in mind that BONE-In Chops & Steaks have more flavor and won’t overcook as easily.  Overcooking is really a CRIME with our Pasture Raised Pork and Grass Fed Wagyu.  We would hate see see your face on a “Line-Up” of Culinary Criminals:))

 Don’t forget to check out last time’s issue on “how to brine your meats.”

Join us next Blog for the details on our FAVORITE PAN & a contest to WIN one for yourself!!

Cooking our Heritage Pastured Pork…Pork like it used to TASTE!

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For those of you who are on a quest for responsibly raised, incredible tasting & healthier meats

fortunately, you have come to the right family farm.  While our heritage breed Berkshire (from England) & Mangalitsa (from Austria & Hungary) pork naturally has more fat, that flavorful goodness has much higher levels of heart healthy Omega 3 Fatty Acids than commercially raised & factory farmed pork.

Once you have one of our chops or roasts that are so beautifully marbled, reddish in color and full of juiciness, you must remember that there is bit of a “learning curve” in how to cook them properly.  The inherent fat will turn out to your best friend in the kitchen.  It allows you to get a super crusty sear on your chop or a “fall apart” tender morsel when braising, without ever having to worry about the meat drying out.  That is the problem you find with the “other white meat” languishing in the meat case at your local supermarket.

Cooking School Part 1 – Brining :

  • Why should I brine?  …brining your chops (and poultry) helps keep them moist, tender and seasoned throughout.  The small amount of sugar included in the brine helps in creation of a dark, caramelized crust. Salt in solution penetrates meat faster than dry rubbing, thus magnifying its power.  It is the most effective marinade possible.
  • How do I make a brine? …2 Cups Water, 1/2 Cup Kosher Salt, 1/4 Cup Sugar   Bring to a boil and stir to dissolve, transfer to large bowl, add 5 Cups Ice. Chill.  You can add in any number of optional seasonings; Garlic, Peppercorns, Herbs (parsley, thyme, bay leaf), Sage, Juniper berries, Toasted Coriander seeds.  If you are brining more that several chops, you can double the above recipe (or much much larger projects like Turkey use; 1 Gallon Water, 1 Cup Salt, 1/2 Cup Sugar.)
  • How long do I brine?   Approximate times: Chops – 2 hours,  Pork Roasts 4-6# – 12 hours.  Brining times are important,  the smaller the items the less time. Always keep refrigerated during brining.

Brining Cautions: 

  1. Chill brine thoroughly before adding meat.
  2. Saltiness of the meat is determined by how long the meat is in the brine.  While only a small percentage of the salt enters the meat, err on the “not-too-salty” side by adhering to brining times.
  3. Always brine in the refrigerator.
  4. Always discard brine after using, never reuse.
  5. Allow meat to rest in refrigerator after brining, this allows the salt within the meat to disperse more evenly rather than merely on the surface.  This rest also allows exterior to dry a bit, resulting in a crisper end product.
  • How do I cook after brining?   See our NEXT BLOG  on “Pan Roasting” and filled with other cooking tips, along with some contest prizes coming soon that you won’t want to miss.  Just think …Culinary School from Pasture Prime without leaving home (no student loans either).

If this whole exercise has got your taste buds excited:    Come visit us at the Farmers’ Market @ the fabulous Brownwood Paddock Square in The Villages on Saturdays from 9-2.  Order online for the best selection and have it ready to pick up at the market.  SEE YOU SOON.








Berkshire Spareribs – SPRING SALE!

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These are always in demand, but we need “freezer space,” take advantage NOW.  Only $27.50 per pack.

BEEF! What’s In Yours?

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IMG_3079.JPGOur 100% Grass Fed Wagyu Beef at Pasture Prime contains a powerful package of nutrients beyond the obvious PROTEIN.  Among these are zinc, iron & B vitamins.  Including these regularly in your diets plays an important role in keeping you healthy and active.  How exactly, you may be asking yourselves??

  • ZINC – extremely valuable in many essential functions such as growth, development and the maintenance of a strong immune system.  Additionally it aids in boosting wound healing and appetite control and also helps stimulate the activity of 100 different enzymes.
  • IRON – the mineral which helps carry Oxygen to cells & tissues, assists in manufacturing new red blood cells and also supports your immune system.  These features are particularly beneficial  today, as we are still in the lingering throes of Flu season.
  • B VITAMINS –  Some B vitamins help cells burn fats and glucose for energy. Others help make neurotransmitters like serotonin. And some assist with the production and repair of DNA.

Vitamin B-12 and other B vitamins play a role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. Low levels of B-12 and other B vitamins such as vitamin B-6 and folate may be linked to depression.

Low levels can result from eating a poor diet or not being able to absorb the vitamins you do consume. Older adults, vegetarians and people with digestive disorders such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease may have trouble getting enough B-12.

PROTEIN – Proteins function as building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.  Protein also helps you feel full longer and eat less throughout the day.

A 2005 Johns Hopkins Medicine study indicated that a diet higher in protein may provide heart benefits. When study participants shifted 10 percent of their calories from carbohydrates to protein, they experienced a 21 percent reduction in their risk for cardiovascular disease. Their cholesterol levels improved and blood pressure lowered. The higher protein diet provided even greater health benefits than a traditionally healthy diet with a higher consumption of carbohydrates. 

Further Health Benefits of Lean Grass Fed Beef in Summary are:

  • Less than 10% saturated fat
  • High in Omega 3 Fatty Acids
  • High in  CLA’s
  • High in Vitamins A & E.
  • High in Beta Carotene


Berkshire Boston Butts

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Back in Stock!  We have Berkshire Boston Butts – Whole or Halves … ready for your table.  These are amazing right out of your slow cooker for those rainy, cool evenings.

Berkshire Rib Rub

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[gmc_recipe 941]Try this amazing rub for Texas style barbecue flavor on our pasture raised Berkshire Pork Ribs.  Back in stock now, but you know these won’t last long cooked with this recipe!  The Zion Missionary Baptist Church shared this recipe with Saveur Magazine.  Simple and inexpensive to create at home.

Applewood Smoked Boneless Hams Fully Cooked

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We are excited to be offering these terrific boneless hams for the holidays. No Nitrates or Nitrites and Gluten Free. We only have a limited number so order soon. They are all approximately 8-9# for $70. Check out the two varieties: Applewood Smoked Pit Ham & Black Forest.  Great for your family gatherings with lots of wonderful left-overs and ham sandwiches!

Bringing Home the Bacon…From Pasture Prime, of course!

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Artisanal Bacon vs. Supermarket Bacon

While we can all probably agree, that there is probably no such thing as “terrible” bacon, there are some MAJOR differences.

Artisanal Bacon from Pasture Prime Family Farm takes time, hand labor & real smoke.

All bacon is made from pork bellies which are cut into slabs, cured, smoked & sliced.

The difference between mass produced bacon and that which we produce from our sustainably & humanely raised Berkshire pigs is like night and day.

You are asking …what goes on behind the scenes??

Super-Market Bacon Production:

  • comes from hogs produced on commercial factory farms (Most of those animals spend their lives in a controlled environment.)
  • frozen bellies from these animals are  thawed and then spun in metal drums to soften the meat
  • next the bellies are hung where they are filled with a wet cure solution
  • The meat is not actually smoked – liquid smoke & flavorings are merely added to the curing solution
  •  This entire process only takes a matter of hours.
  • Finally, the slabs are machine pressed into a uniform shape and packaged.

 True Hand Crafted, PASTURE PRIME BACON, bears no resemblance to the above.

  1. In stark contrast, our Pasture Prime bellies come from our Free Ranging Berkshire pigs who live in the woods right behind our barn here at our family farm.
  2. They have the opportunity to forage for roots, nuts & other goodies along with their supplemental feed.
  3. Of course, they have NEVER had any hormones or antibiotics.
  4.  Folks who tour our farm say their visit with the pigs is their favorite stop.
  5. Our Berkshire bellies are rubbed with a dry cure including Brown Sugar and Black Pepper.
  6. These bellies are not rushed and spend from 7-10 days covered with our Pasture Prime Special Recipe Dry cure.
  7. Next the bellies are slow smoked.
  8. The extended curing and smoking times aids in intensfying the already wonderful deep pork flavor, that the Berkshire pigs are noted for.
  9. As each of our pigs will be slightly different in size our artisanally produced bacon will have a more irregular shape than mass produced bacon which has been machine pressed into a standard shape.

We hope you will find our Pasture Prime Berkshire Brown Sugar Cured Bacon a great balance of sweet, salty, smoky and meaty.

Why not try our Pasture Prime Breakfast Combo, which gives you a 1 pound pack of our Brown Sugar Bacon along with a pack of our Breakfast Sausage links?  Only $20.  Of course, if you are coming to the Farmers Market in The Villages, be sure to add on a Dozen Farm Fresh Eggs and make it a “breakfast to remember!” Don’t forget to place your order online for easy pick-up at one of our Farmers Markets in THE VILLAGES!!

POST THANKSGIVING …and we are still giving thanks!!

Now that Thanksgiving is past, we want to make sure to say a Special Thanks to all our wonderful customers.  We truly appreciate your support and passing the word along to your family and friends.  You have made all of our hard work extremely rewarding.


Many of you have requested that we provide Spiral Cut Berkshire Hams. So always attempting to meet your needs here are the Hams. These Berkshire hams are truly special.  Several varieties are available; Applewood Smoked Honey Glazed Spiral Sliced, and 2 Boneless Hams; Black Forest and Applewood Smoked which are both Gluten Free, Uncured-Nitrate/Nitrite free and all fully cooked ready to be baked for a wonderful holiday dinner with family & friends.

We will be offering these to you on our website for a limited time.

If Ham isn’t your “cup of tea,” we have 2 lovely locally raised Lamb Legs available.

This will be a spectacular presentation to WOW your family & friends.  You will find a video featuring famous chef Thomas Keller that will give you some cooking tips as well.

What would Holiday Dinners be without a GREAT PIE???

Attention all Pie Bakers; we have that famous Mangalitsa Pure Lard.  Ruth Reichl, long time food critic for the New York Times, says her favorite crust is half butter and half Mangalitsa Lard.  Sent to you in handy 1 pound containers; dishwasher, microwave, freezer safe and BPA free.  Only $10.

Gift Certificates  & T Shirts – Great Last Minute Shopping

Select the amount ($75 minimum) , fill in your recipients information, and wait for the applause!! Gift Certificate click here.

OR, how about a PRAISE THE LARD T-Shirt??  Only $20 and shipping is included. Black Only in sizes S,M,L,XL, 2XL.


If all this wasn’t enough, we now have our Grass Fed Wagyu/Mangalitsa Pork Frankfurters back in stock.  Most of our Wagyu Beef Items are back in stock as well.

Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday, warm with good cheer and family gathered around.  Hoping for a healthful New Year with PEACE around the world.

Our Best,

The Siversons


Holiday Hams – 3 Types to Choose From

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Special Offering due to customer demand!!  We now have 3 types of  Fully Cooked Smoked Hams for your Holiday Dinners. Our two Boneless hams are; The Black Forest and Applewood Smoked Ham and which are both uncured, no nitrates or nitrites. The Spiral Sliced Applewood Smoked Ham is everyone’s favorite. Sale Priced @ $70 each.

Breakfast Special On Sale Now!

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Pasture Prime Breakfast Special Sale!  ONE STOP SHOP!

Start your day right with a healthy FARM FRESH breakfast. We’re offering our combo BACON/Breakfast Sausage for only $20. One Pound each of Brown Sugar Cured Bacon and Breakfast Sausage , PLUS  If you visit us at the Farmers Market you may want to throw in some Fresh Eggs…well, better not “throw them.”

One stop shop for Breakfast.  Bacon, Sausage & Eggs…fresh from our family farm.  Helps to start your day with a SMILE.


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Following up on our last blog titled Where’s the Beef? we will attempt to answer some of the questions posed by our many customers and friends.

1.Wagyu Beef – how does it differ from “Kobe Beef?”

Wagyu is the name of a breed of cattle which originated in Asia centuries ago.  Wagyu is the breed of cattle from which Kobe is produced.  The term “Kobe” can only be accurately applied to Wagyu cattle which are produced in the Kobe region of Japan.  For you foodies, this is similar to the “branding” (not with a hot iron) done with Champagne & Roquefort from France and Parma Ham & Cheese from Italy.  Wagyu cows bred and raised outside of Kobe, Japan, should always be termed Wagyu , but are often referred to with a variety of names, such as; Kobe style, American Kobe, etc..

 2. What do the terms “grass fed beef” and grain fed beef actually mean?

Almost all cattle begin their lives on grass, but eventually end up in “feedlots” (CAFO-confined animal feeding operations) where they are “finished” for several months on grains (which most often contain GMO grains).These grain feedings fatten them quickly, but also can sicken them. This is due to the fact that these grains are not part of their natural diet and the additional stress of being crowded together with cattle from multiple locations.

100% grass fed beef, means just what it says. During their entire lives at Pasture Prime Wagyu & Family Farm these Wagyu cattle have only grazed on our local & native grasses ( with the exception of those few months that calves spend on their “mother’s milk”).  Of course, our grass feeding process takes much longer, making them more expensive to raise. However, our Wagyu beef animals are much healthier in that they are able to roam freely, are not tightly confined. Therefore they never need antibiotics and hormones which are often necessary in commercial and industrial farms.

Oftentimes, unscrupulous vendors will claim their meat is grass fed with little or no oversight. This is what makes it essential to know firsthand where and how your food is being produced.  We encourage you to visit us, to see for yourselves.  We suggest you make this request of anyone you purchase your meats from.

 3. Dry Aged vs. Wet Aged Beef – What is the difference?

Dry Aging is an art form dating back to the era of the neighborhood butcher shop ( a niche we hope we can partially fill for you).  The aim here is to use this time honored aging method on all our grass fed beef to the benefit of both master chefs, foodies, and inquisitive and well-informed home cooks.Our Wagyu beef is hung in a cooler requiring precise temperature control, humidity of 70% or more (not too difficult in our Florida climate) and an air circulation system.  These elements combine to enhance the natural extraordinary flavor of our Wagyu beef.

As you can see, developing our grass fed beef goes beyond sustainably and humanely raising the Wagyu cows.  This more expensive and time consuming aging process helps to provide our customers with meat that melts in your mouth, while serving up a healthful source of high quality protein (more about this later)

Wet Aged Beef is much faster and cheaper to produce & dominates the market.  Nearly 90% of beef sold at your local grocery is wet aged.  Most authorities agree that dry aged beef has superior flavor, and tenderness and is the beef most often served at the finest dining establishments.

 4. How Can You Buy Grass Fed Beef in Bulk?

We think it is a real testimony to the rising awareness of “getting to know your farmer” that so many folks are now contacting us inquiring about the process of ordering their Wagyu beef by the half and quarter.  Here are the pertinent points;

  • Grass Fed Wagyu Beef Quarters are currently priced @ $7.50 per pound based on the hanging weight at processing.  These weights will range between 125-150# This will add up to approximately $910-1085.
  • Halves are slightly less per pound @ $7.25.  Those weights at hanging will range from 250-300# (estimated $1750-$2100).
  • Your Wagyu Beef will come:

a. Cut to your custom specifications

b. Each cut Individually packaged

c. Vacuum Sealed

d. Labeled; with cut, weight & date.

e. Frozen and ready for your freezer and

f. Prices are all inclusive except for shipping, if you choose that method of delivery.

  • Basic Outline of Cuts:

a. Steaks – NY Strips, Rib Eyes, Tenderloins, Top Sirloin

b. Roasts – Chuck, Sirloin Tip, Rump, Bottom Round, Eye of Round, Arm

c. Ribs – Short Ribs, BBQ Ribs

d. Misc.- Brisket, Hangar Steak, Skirt Steak, Picanha, Flank Steak, Cross Cut  Shanks (Osso Buco)

e. Organ Meats – Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Tongue

f. Bones – Marrow Bones, Oxtail

g. Ground Beef – Stew, Ultra Lean, or Regular

Now it is our turn to “turn the tables” and ask you a question;

How healthy is Your Dinner??

Did you know that Tenderloin has less fat that a 3 oz. skinless chicken thigh? (This is based on USDA data for total fat, using a 3 oz serving of cooked tenderloin compared to a 3 oz. serving of cooked, skinless chicken thigh).  That doesn’t even take into account the additional health benefits of the extremely favorable ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 Fatty acids which are found in our grass fed beef.   According to a respected university’s Health & Nutrition Newsletter, they state that “emerging research suggests older adults need more high quality protein throughout the day.”  They also note that the real problem is that too much of our current protein does not come from “high quality” sources.  This is where we hope our 100% Grass Fed Wagyu Beef will “fill the bill’ and your PLATE.

WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR HALVES & QUARTERS for delivery through the Fall & Winter 2013 

Tune in soon for information on our wonderful Mangalitsa & Berkshire pork, which taste like pork used to, before modern agriculture very carefully extracted all the flavor.

HOT DOGS! Grass Fed Wagyu & Berkshire/Mangalitsa Combination

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These are truly unique and special.  Oscar Meyer never had anything like this.  Try some today and see why our family is so excited to offer these to you. Of course, Gluten free, no MSG, just our sustainably and humanely raised meats.

Beer Can Chicken

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This famous recipe pioneered by Steven Raichlen, the Bar B Q king, is amazing!

1 can beer
2 TBSP 4-3-2-1 Rub
1 whole PASTURE PRIME chicken

You will only use a half can of beer, we leave it up to you for what to do with the "other half."
  • Prepare grill for indirect/high heat
  • Place drip pan under grate and add 1/2″ water
  • Season chicken with rub
  • Add a pinch of rub to 1/2 beer in can
  • Place chicken over been can with legs pointing down, make sure it is stable on grill
  • Grill covered until thermometer registers 165 about 45-60 min
  • Let rest before serving


Chicken Under a Brick

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    Pasture Prime Half chickens work beautifully with this method.
  • Use indirect high heat on your grill (bank coals for charcoal or leave 1-2 burners off for gas)
  • Rub chicken halves with oil & salt & pepper or use Uncle Bob’s BBQ Sauce
  • Wings should be tucked under breast
  • Chicken should be placed skin side down with brick on top, covered until crisp & golden approximately 20-30 min
  • After removing bricks, turn chicken with tongs, skin side up and replace brick
  • Continue cooking until your thermometer registers 160-165, about 20-25 minutes more. Let rest before serving.

You can also Spatchcock (Butterfly) a whole chicken by removing the back bone.

Recipe courtesy of Bon Appetit, July 2013

4-3-2-1 Spice Rub

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This a a great rub for Beer Can Chicken or to wake up your steak, pork or veggies. Contains ingredients most of us always have on hand.

4 TBSP. Kosher Salt
3 TBSP. Brown Sugar
2 TBSP. Sweet Paprika
1 TBSP. Cayenne Pepper

This will give you enough for 2 whole chickens or save some in a sealed container away from heat and light.

Uncle Bob’s Chicken B B Q Sauce

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1 Cup White Vinegar
4 tsp Kosher Salt
1/3 Cup Oil
1-2 tsp Tabasco
1/2-1 tsp Worchestershire Sauce
1/4-1/2 tsp Garlic Powder

Using the larger amount of the last three (italicized) ingredients will give you a spicier sauce.

This amount will make enough for 4 chicken halves.

Baste the chicken several times on both sides while cooking

NEW!! Half Chickens

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We now have Split Chickens available for those customers who were looking for smaller portions.  2 plus pounds for $12. or 2 for $21. Perfect for the grill. Check out our recipes.

Lamb Riblet Special

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Tasty and economical Lamb Riblets. Slow cook in the oven for a flavor filled meal or finger food for entertaining. Just $8 for approximately 1.5 lb packages or $22 for 3 packages. Use our recipe for Glazed Lamb Ribs from the New York Times:

New Sausage Varieties

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We have two new sausage types to unveil.  Italian – while we call it”sweet” that refers not to actual sweetness but rather the absence of heat. Our Mexican Chorizo will fill the bill if you are looking for something a bit spicier but definitely not overwheming.  Both are only $8.95 in 1 pound package of links.  Let us know which is your favorite.

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Grass Fed Wagyu Back Ribs

Everyone loves a good rib to chew on! These are not only full of flavor, but also offer a great Omega 3 profile. Try some today.

LIMITED TIME Special Price of $30 for 5 pounds

Grass Fed Skirt Steak ala Alton Brown, plus a Fall Roast Beef Recipe

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Last night we were fortunate to see our favorite Geek Chef, Alton Brown, in person.  He was the headliner at Cal Poly’s Performing Arts Center.  The Dairy Science Center is celebrating their 25th Anniversary by sponsoring Alton’s visit.  He began with a hilarious tale of his experimentation with breast milk, bringing hoots from his heavily represented dairy science  audience.

He then continued to regale the audience by exploding his 10 Food Science Myths.  The appreciative audience was truly multi-generational, ranging from elementary children, to raucous college students, to grandparents. It is amazing to see the reach of his fans.

During his discussion of moist and dry heat cooking techniques, I picked up a wonderful easy recipe for our grass fed skirt steak.  Unfortunately, there is only one skirt steak per animal, so just the lucky few will get to try this.

SKIRT STEAK Cooked on Charcoal:

He lays the full skirt steak DIRECTLY on the blazing hot coals of his charcoal grill for 30 seconds one side, then turns for 30 seconds on the second side.  Remove from coals (being careful not to get burned!) dust off any ashes, cut in several pieces, stack and wrap IMMEDIATELY and tightly in aluminum foil and let sit for 30 minutes and you will have a delicious treat.

For those of you looking for a deeply flavored,  and affordable Roast Beef, we have a terrific recipe.  Our grass fed Wagyu Top Sirloin Roast will please your palette and your pocketbook:

Top Sirloin Roast with Herb Crust:

  • 1/3 c. finely chopped parsley
  • 2 TBSP. minced fresh Thyme (or dried)
  • 1  Whole  Shallot, minced
  • 1 TBSP. Dijon mustard
  • 2 TBSP Olive Oil (or Canola)
  • 4 TBSP. Butter, softened
  • 1 3-4# Top Sirloin Roast
  • 1 TBSP salt
  • 1 TBSP pepper

1. Combine top 3 items in bowl; as herb mix

2. Transfer 2 TBSP of herb mix to 2nd bowl & stir in mustard & 1 TBSP oil

3. Add Butter to remaining herb mix and mash to combine.

4. Butterfly roast by slicing ALMOST all the way through the middle, leaving 1/2 -1 inch intact.  Open like a book.

5. Rub inside & out with salt & pepper

6. Spread herb mix over interior of meat.

7. Fold back meat and tie securely with kitchen twine.

8. Refrigerate 1 hour, up to 24 hours for maximum seasoning.

9. Turn oven on to 275 and place rack in middle.

10. Heat 1 TBSP oil in large skillet (ovenproof preferably) over med-high until smoking

11. Brown all over 8-10 min.

12. Use V-Rack, if you have, or keep in browning skillet.

13. Roast ONLY to 120-125

14. Transfer roast to cutting board, spread with herb butter, tent with foil & rest 20 min!

15. Slice against the grain into 1/4″ slices.  ENJOY!!


Wagyu Beef Short Ribs

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WEB LAUNCH SPECIAL Meaty, delicious Wagyu short ribs. Perfect to braise and cook ahead.

Late-Summer Grilling!

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As summer wraps up, don’t let the last of the grilling season get away without ordering our Steak Variety Pack.

What’s in a Variety Pack, you ask? Get this:

Packs include at least one of each: Flat Iron, Top Sirloin, Picanha, plus any of the following – skirt, flank, or additional from above.

And to really get your mouth watering, here are some more descriptions of the steaks:

Flat Iron

Comes from the chuck or shoulder and has a rich, deep, beefy flavor making it a very tasty cut. Takes well to marinades and are excellent grilled.

Top Sirloin

Flavorful cut form the sirloin.Great marinated, grilled & sliced across the grain.


This is the cut you see carried on a sword at Brazilian restaurants. Learn more about this delicious steak.

Pre-Order Your Free-Range Heritage Turkeys for the Holidays!

With the back-to-school season in full-gear, it may seem like Thanksgiving and the holidays are months away, but here on our farm, we’re already preparing. Our free-range, unique heritage breed turkeys sell out quickly, so make sure and pre-order yours today. We feed these slow-growing birds an all-natural diet, and you’ll be amazed how juicy and rich their taste is, in comparison to commercially raised turkeys.

Pre-order your turkeys today. We require a $50 deposit. These birds are priced at $10/pound. Hens weigh approximately 7-9 pounds and the Toms are 10-16 pounds.

Thanks for supporting our family’s sustainable farm!

The Pasture Prime Difference: Our Sustainable Family Farm

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Our family’s farm, here in North Central Florida, has been run by our family for over 30 years. We are not an industrial farm, and we only sell our meat directly. Instead of going for high-volume, quick-growth in our animals, we allow our animals to slowly develop at their natural pace.

We believe that you are what you eat. Not sure about you, but for us, that means that we’d rather not consume hormones and antibiotics in a serving of meat. Our animals are never administered growth hormones, food additives, or given antibiotics. Instead, we nurture them on open pasture in a natural environment, which allows them to grow at a natural pace without the need for artificial stimulants or food additives. True, this means that our farm may not have the financial output as an industrial farm, but then, that’s not why we’re in this business.

Our sustainable farm philosophy

In addition to respecting our animals and raising them humanely, we take pride in being stewards of our environment. Our free-range farming methods mean that we give plenty of grazing land to our animals, and we practice rotational grazing methods to keep our soil healthy, our water pure, and the air clean.

Unique breeds—taste the difference!

Industrial farms have developed breeds that can survive in crowded conditions and are bred specifically for quick-growth. Often, this is at the expense of truly flavorful, tender meat. Here at Pasture Prime, we choose heritage breeds that are known for their superior flavor and texture. Our animals are adapted to a natural environment, in contrast to an industrial one, and they are bred to be hardy.

Chefs all around the nation rave about the quality of our Mangalitsa and Berkshire pork, heritage turkeys and chickens, and Wagyu beef. We invite you to try it for yourself!

Committed to transparency

Because we’re a family-run farm, we pride ourselves on our land, business model, and
animal husbandry practices. We invite you and your family to make an appointment for
a tour by sending us an email or calling Torm @ 352-266-9504, and see just how
carefully we respect our land, animals and the food we produce. Visit our website: to place an order.

Looking for the perfect Father’s Day gift? Delicious meat from Pasture Prime Family Farm

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Father’s Day is coming up – June 17th, and you may be scratching your head thinking about what to get your dad this year. Well, what man doesn’t love a delicious piece of meat on a grill? For Father’s Day this year, we recommend some of our fabulous Berkshire & Mangalitsa pork. Berkshire pork cutlets, Berkshire chops or Berkshire country style ribs – along with similar cuts of the famous Heritage breed Mangalitsa.

Then there is always the superior Red Ranger chickens — you won’t believe how tender and juicy a free-range heritage chicken tastes. We recommend grilling them whole on the BBQ (with your favorite sauce or rub), or you can cut them up and have a delicious feast of drumsticks and breasts. Either way, your Dad will be one happy man!
Order your dad his Pasture Prime meat today – it ships out right away, so it will arrive ready to go on the grill come June 17th. (Please note that we can only ship poultry within Florida.)

Our $50 Pasture Prime Gift Certificate Promotion – still going on!

Our Pasture Prime “Send us your feedback!” contest is still going on, through mid-June. We want to hear your opinion – would you like us to offer different kinds of meat cuts? Do you have recipe suggestions? Can we serve you better? Let us know, and we’ll randomly select one of our submissions for a $50 Pasture Prime gift certificate, good toward any product on our website. (Please keep in mind that we can only ship poultry within Florida.)

Send your feedback, along with your full name and email address to

Thanks in advance for your feedback, and good luck!

Browse our meats ►

Want to win a $50 Gift Credit for Pasture Prime Family Farm Meat?

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That’s right – you read that correctly. We’re currently running a “Send us your feedback!” contest, and the lucky winner will win a $50 gift credit, good toward any of our online sustainable meats available on our website (please keep in mind that we can only ship poultry within Florida).

So, let’s hear it – your feedback!

At Pasture Prime Family Farm, we have built our business to serve you. Our core values — to raise our animals humanely, feed them on our carefully rotated pastures, process them locally, and preserve heritage breeds – are in place so that we can provide you and your family the healthiest meats possible. But for our family, we also want to hear directly from you. For example, how can we improve our service? What are your favorite Pasture Prime Meats recipes? What cuts of meat would you like for us to offer? We’re sure you have suggestions, so let us hear them!

The contest details

Here’s how it works: Send us your feedback by June 15th, and we’ll put your name in a drawing. We’ll draw the name for one lucky winner, and if you’re chosen, we’ll mail you a $50 Pasture Prime gift credit!

Send your feedback, along with your full name and email address to

Thanks in advance for your feedback, and good luck!

Sausage Launch! Delicious Berkshire Sausage from our Sustainable Farm

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Welcome to Spring! Most people celebrate this beautiful season with picnics, grilling, and trips to the beach (if you happen to live in a coastal state). Well, for our family, we celebrate Spring by making 100% all-natural Berkshire Sausage from our family farm’s sustainably raised pigs. We offer three spice mixtures to choose from: Italian, Breakfast, and Mexican Chorizo. They come in convenient 1# packages, so that you can crumble the sausage into a sauce, throw it in eggs, or make patties. Our introductory price of just $7.00 per pound or $20/ for 3 packages (1 of each flavor), won’t last long! Order your Pasture Prime Berkshire Sausage today!

Milk-Fed Red Ranger Chickens Back in Stock!

One of our family’s favorite parts of the Spring season are the babies! We’ve got all sorts of chicks running around, and we now have milk-fed Red Ranger chickens back in stock . If you’d like to order some, order your milk-fed chickens today (we can only ship poultry within Florida—sorry!), as these delicious, tender truly free-range, pasture raised birds are extremely popular with local restaurants.
Our Free-Range Chickens — Just Why do they Taste So Good?
At Pasture Prime, our free-range chickens certainly do taste better because they’re raised on open-pasture and develop muscle naturally through exercise, but equally important are two additional steps we take with our chickens: We don’t rush their natural growth, so we let them grow much longer than conventionally farmed birds, and we use older breeds that are adapted to the outdoors and require more feed for growth. The result is a chicken with incredible, natural flavor and texture. Additionally, because we never administer hormones or antibiotics, or put additives in the feed, you can be assured that our chickens are good for you, as well. We encourage you to read about our unique free-range chicken methodology, which we’ve modeled after the French method, Label Rouge.

Spring Special: Berkshire Pork Chops

We’re pleased to offer a Pork Chop Pack, which comes from our all-natural, humanely raised Berkshire pigs. The 5# package includes a variety of cuts, and we’re selling them for just $50/pack.

Come See us at Your Local Florida Farmers’ Markets

If you’re a Florida local, you can find us at the Wildwood Farmers’ Market on most Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. If you’d like to order any of our family’s sustainable meat products, just give Torm a call by Friday, and he’ll have your selections prepared for you to pick up at the market. You can reach Torm at 352-266-9504, or by email at

Our Second-Favorite Farmer! Coming to Florida … Joel Salatin

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Joel Salatin, a pioneer for farming how it used to be, is coming to Orlando on April 18th to speak. If you’ve never heard Joel Salatin speak, or you don’t know who he is, then you’re in for a treat.

Around here, on our sustainable family farm, we revere Joel Salatin. In fact, he’s our second-favorite farmer. (Torm, who runs our farm here, is the first). Salatin has managed to revitalize a huge back-to-basics farming movement across the U.S., and he’s an extremely engaging, riveting speaker.

We highly recommend his latest book, “Folks this Ain’t Normal.” It’s a highly practical, informative look about how to improve farming across the U.S., household-by-household. Even for you city dwellers, Salatins’ advice will offer you some wisdom that will forever change how you eat and live.

Enjoy our heritage-breed pork – there are all sorts of great ways to pepare it!

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It’s February, and as we mentioned at the beginning of the month, it’s Pork Month here at Pasture Prime Family Farm. Below, we’ll also share some “news from the farm,” as we like to call it – the latest updates on our chickens, calves, and turkeys. And of, course, we have a sale item this month – chickens.

Ground Pork

Order your ground pork from us today – our freshly-ground Berkshire pork comes from our free-range heritage breed pigs, which are raised on an all-natural diet of grain, acorns, and other goodies foraged in our woods. The ground pork has a rich, amazingly succulent flavor, and it goes perfectly in a variety of dishes. Scroll to the bottom of the page for an amazing recipe featuring our ground pork on skewers. Just delicious!

And, the news from the farm…

Well, spring is certainly around the corner, but we’re still carrying on with our winter chores. Currently on our agenda, we’ve been welcoming new baby Wagyu calves to our farm. Our baby pigs are growing like weeds, and we’ve started incubating turkeys as we prepare for a big Thanksgiving harvest this year. All sorts of barnyard babies and fun to keep us busy!

And of course, we’re going to leave you with a special sale…

Right now, we’re pleased to offer you a deal on our heritage-breed, free-range milk-fed chickens. Just $35.00 for two whole birds. They’re perfect for a family meal, on the weekday nights or on the weekend. If you’ve never tried heritage-breed, free-range milk-fed chickens, then you’re in for a sure treat. The flavor and juiciness of our birds is simply incomparable. We can only ship our poultry within Florida.

Here’s a fantastic recipe, featuring our ground pork.

Spicy Pork Skewers

Courtesy of Sunset Magazine

Prep and Cook Time: 40 minutes
Makes: 4-6 servings

1 ¼ pounds of Pasture Prime Ground Pork
1 ½ tbsp. minced garlic
2 tsp. each ground cumin and paprika
½ cup finely chopped onion
1 ½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

  1. Soak 8 wooden skewers in water for at least 30 minutes (if using metal skewers, proceed to step 2.) Drain and set aside.
  2. Meanwhile, heat up a charcoal or gas grill to medium heat (350 degrees to 450 degrees). You can also prepare these on a broiler – just turn halfway through.
  3. In a medium bowl, stir together pork, garlic, cumin, paprika, onion, salt, and pepper. Form into small meatballs, each golf-ball sized, then thread meat onto skewers.
  4. Grill skewers (close lid on gas grill), turning once, until browned on both sides and no longer pink in the center – about 8 minutes.

Some clarification on our all-new Berkshire Pork Cutlets

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NEW ITEM: PORK CUTLETS After an AMAZING response, we wanted to give you further information on our Pork Cutlets, which are cut from the ham on our Berkshire pigs. The cutlets have a particularly robust flavor, as the ham is a lean muscle with less fat than other cuts.

To prepare:

Pound to 1/4 inches thick and pan sautee or bread and fry. They make as especially tasty and quick dinner. They can also be done “Piccata style” with lemon and capers for a delicious and elegant meal. Right now, these cutlets are on sale at just $8/lb

Sirloin cutlets … coming soon!

We will SOON be offering pork cutlets cut from the SIRLOIN at a slightly higher price of $10/ lb. More to come about the sirloin cuts soon!

We’re Feeling “Pork-y”!

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It’s February, and we’re feeling pork-y. Not the type of porky you feel after eating too many nachos while watching the Super Bowl … (though I’m sure that we’ll feel that way after Sunday!), but our family farm’s freezers are well stocked with fresh ground free-range Berkshire pork.

We’ve got some great pork recipe ideas that are easy to make, using our all-natural, humanely raised pork. We’ve also got a new product that we want to tell you about – pork cutlets! And, through the month of February, we’re offering these mouth- watering pork cutlets at just $8.00 for a 1 pound package. Additionally, if you order $75 or over from our website (not including shipping), we’ll throw in a pound of ground pork. Free.

C’mon. It’s February. Treat your family to a burger. A pork burger.

February isn’t typically “grilling season,” but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still enjoy foods that go great on the grill, such as burgers. If you’ve never tried a pork burger, you’re in for a treat. Made from our all-natural Berkshire free-range pigs, our ground pork is rich, juicy, and bursting with so much flavor you won’t need to dress the burger up with excess condiments or drown it in cheese. Our pork burger recipe, courtesy of Sunset Magazine, is below. Order your Berkshire ground pork from our farm today!

Pork Cutlets—they’re like a steak, but bursting with rich, pork flavor

We are now selling pork cutlets. Think steak meets the best-tasting pork you’ve ever had. Not a bad combination, right? They’re easy to prepare, too, so you can cook ‘em up for a delicious, healthy mid-week meal. Pound them thin, throw them in the pan, and they’ll cook up quickly. They go great with a side of potatoes. Order today—they’re just $8 for a 1 pound package!

Pork Burgers

Courtesy of Sunset Magazine

1.5 pounds of ground Pasture Prime Berkshire Pork
4 oz. firm chorizo or hot Italian sausage, casing removed and crumbled
2 slices (2 oz. total) bacon, finely chopped
¼ Cup olive oil
¼ cup minced shallots
2 tbsp. chopped parsley
2 tsp. fresh thyme leaves
1 tsp. ground cumin
4 hamburger buns, toasted

  1. Prepare a charcoal or gas grill for high heat (450 – 550 degrees F) or heat a frying pan to medium high.
  2. In large bowl, mix ground pork, chorizo, bacon, oilive oil, shallots, parsley, thyme, and cumin. Form mixture into 4 equal patties about ¾ inch thick.
  3. Grill burgers (cover if using gas), turning once, just until no longer pink in the middle, about 13-15 minutes total; keep a spray bottle handy to douse and flames.

Even a 6th grader will tell you—Pasture Prime Grass-Fed Wagyu is nutritionally superior to grain-finished beef!

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You may have heard that grass-fed beef is healthier for you. Multiple factors contribute to the health factors in grass-fed beef, including the ratio of Omega 3s to 6s, the fact that it contains less fat and calories, and because it has higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).

Well, we’ve known that for a long time—it’s the reason we raise our very own grass-fed beef on our Florida ranch. But we wanted to test our own beef, just to be sure.

Well, by “we” we mean we tasked our 6th grader with the duty

Camryn Siverson, proud-third generation cattle farmer here at Pasture Prime, needed an interesting topic for her 6th grade science project. She decided to run an experiment to see just how healthy Pasture Prime grass-fed Wagyu beef is.

To set up the experiment, she had samples from Pasture Prime grass-fed beef and grain-finished store- bought Wagyu beef sent to a lab to compare the nutritional differences.

The clear winner? Pasture Prime beef. Here’s what she found:

In the sample tested, the amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) was found to be 0.37 g/100mg sample for the grass-fed wagyu beef, while the CLA level for the grain-fed was 0.14 g/100mg sampled. The results of the Omega 3s testing showed a level of 0.24g/100mg for grass-fed beef and a level of 0.06g/100mg for grain-fed beef. The Omega 6s showed 0.38 g/100mg for grass-fed beef and 0.55 g/100mg for the grain-fed beef.

So what does this really mean?

The samples from our Pasture Prime grass-fed Wagyu beef clearly showed higher levels of CLAs and better Omega 3 and 6 ratios, as compared to the grain-finished Wagyu sample, but what does that mean when it comes to your health?

Well, for starters, scientists have found that diets high in CLAs and Omega 3s help reduce cancers, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Additionally, high CLA levels help with osteoporosis, insulin resistance, inflammation, and they help fight immune system invaders.

Not a bad mix for a delicious, juicy grass-fed beef burger, huh?

Order your grass-fed beef from Pasture Prime today. It’s health food. Really.

Redefine your definition of beef by ordering your very own Pasture Prime Wagyu beef today. The cattle on our sustainable farm are raised and finished entirely on grass. We have a variety of delicious cuts that you can order direct from our website. Not all grass-fed beef is the same. Support farmers who test the nutritional content of their beef.

Enjoy your health. Enjoy our beef.

To start you off with a great meal in 2012 – Easy “Pulled Pork “ Sloppy Joe’s

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Welcome to 2012! At Pasture Prime Family Farm, we’d like to start off 2012 with some specials for you, our valued customers. Right now, we’re featuring ground pork, from our pasture-raised heritage Berkshire pigs. If you’ve never tried ground Berkshire pork—you’re in for a treat. It’s versatile, full of flavor, and so easy to cook! And, even better—free when you order $60 or more from our website (not including shipping.) That’s right. Free. We’ll throw in a whole pound for you with your next order—but our offer is only good through January, so place your order soon!

We have a new email address, so if you have any questions about your order, please contact us at:

What to do with your free ground pork, you ask?

We’re glad you asked, actually. One of our favorite ways to prepare ground pork is to put it in Sloppy Joe’s. We promise your whole family will love them. Here’s a delicious recipe to get you started:

Ground Pork Sloppy Joe’s, Courtesy of Cat Cora

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 pounds extra-lean ground pork
1 medium onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, cored and chopped
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Pinch ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
3/4 cup ketchup
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon firmly packed light brown sugar
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Kosher salt
6 sesame buns, toasted

Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat until shimmering but not smoking. Add the pork and brown, breaking it apart with a wooden spoon. When the meat is still slightly pink, remove from the pan and set aside. Pour off all but 1 tablespoon of the oil. Add the onion and the bell pepper and cook, stirring, until soft and lightly browned, 3 to 5 minutes. Turn the heat to low. Return the pork to the pan and stir in the garlic powder, cinnamon, Worcestershire, Tabasco, ketchup, brown sugar and water. Add the black pepper and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the flavors are blended and the mixture is saucy. Spoon onto toasted buns and serve. Taste and add salt, if needed.

So what do our current customers think about our products?

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At Pasture Prime Family Farm, we personally think that our heirloom breeds, careful pasture-raising processes, and the care we put into each and every animal makes our meat superior.

But don’t take it just from us … hear what some of our current customers have to say about our grass-fed Wagyu, Mangalitsa and Berkshire pork, and free-range turkeys and chickens:

“Just wanted to let you know that the chops have been FANTASTIC. We are really enjoying them and I will probably be looking for more in a few months.” A.K. Las Vegas, NV

“Just wanted to thank you for showing me around the farm yesterday! Also tried the ground beef last night and cant say enough good things about it.You have my business and hopefully more from down in this area! Keep up the good work. “ M.H.

“We are enjoying your meat, I have been telling all my friends.” W.B. Ocala, FL.

“…what I am looking to use hopefully on my new menu is those wonderful chickens, short rib, wagyu top sirloin, and some of the pork products…we are looking forward to featuring those little piggies “ Chef C.

“Oh my, had the ground pork it is amazing!!” A.P. Palm Beach, FL.

“My husband and I just wanted to let you know that we cooked up the london broil and it was amazing! Then we made hamburgers the next night because we loved the broil so much. Best burgers we ever had! Maybe it tastes even better when you can eat it in good conscience. Thanks for letting us come out to the farm, it was great talking to you. We will be back soon. Can’t wait to try the chicken.” I. B. Mount Dora, FL.

Want to try out Pasture Prime Family Farm meats for yourself? Browse our selection of delicious, sustainably raised meats. We ship nationwide.


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We welcome you to schedule an appointment to come by to purchase products at our farm store. See our truly unique Wagyu cattle, Mangalitsa pigs, Berkshire pigs, free-range chickens, and free-range turkeys.

Wagyu Back Ribs

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Back ribs from our famous, tender and delicious 100% grass fed Wagyu. These are a real bargain at $6/lb.